The Racial Dilemma Of The Men’s Rights Movement

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Part 1: Race In America
The Uncomfortable History Of Black Subjugation
Due to the history of slavery and Jim Crow, racism is the most polarizing topic in modern America. The White House that presidents sit in, was built by slaves. Banks, stores, schools, and houses were once segregated-as black people were legally denied access to resources. When the Civil Rights Movement attempted to peacefully protest this mistreatment they were beaten by police officers and incarcerated for their “lack of respect for the law”. American citizens referred to them as “criminals”. The media painted them as a danger to society.
In the end, the Civil Rights Movement was successful in their efforts to integrate society. However, this history of systemic racism left a negative impact on black communities. The schools we attend are noticeably underfunded. Our neighborhoods are riddled with violence. Our households lack wealth and financial stability. Black men are disproportionately represented in the prison system. Black people, to this very day, have a bad relationship with law enforcement.
It’s hard to come to terms with all of this. The Unites States claims to be “the land of the free”. Yet, this “free country” legally owned slaves and engaged in a Civil War-leaving their freedoms in the hands of soldiers. It’s unfathomable for many people. It’s like a horror movie that managed to will its way into existence.

Which Side Of History?

What is the future of social media? Are you on the right side of history?

Society handles this uncomfortable reality by choosing a perspective on racial equality. You stand right in the middle of the woods and you see 2 different diverged paths. Each side gives you their perspective on racial equality and all of the solutions that come with it.
One side consists of a diverse group of people who are strong advocates for racial justice. Black, White, Indigenous, Asian, and so forth. This side consists of Civil Rights Activists-the very side that created the legal rights that the black community enjoy today. This side acknowledges systemic injustice in order to improve and create a better America. They don’t necessarily seek to change the culture-but to improve it. To improve on the positive aspects of it, and weed out all of the negative aspects of it.
The other side is made up of a non-diverse group of people (mostly white men) who want to maintain all aspects of systemic racism and the perks that come with it. This side hates the mere acknowledgement of racism. They assume that white men are the only “real men” in society. Whenever a group appeals largely to men, this side dominates the discussion and turns it into a “white male” pity party. This side is comfortable with the horrendous parts of the environment that we live in, but are uncomfortable with people speaking out against it.
As the men’s rights movement grows larger, they have to choose which side of history they want their movement to be remembered by. Do they want to be remembered for being on the side of civil rights and racial equality? Or do they want to be remembered for being on the side of white supremacists and “race realists”? My guess (or hope for that matter) is that they want to be on the side of the MLK’s of the world-as opposed to the Richard Spencer’s. This is a crucial decision for the MRM. Our conclusion will shape the present and future of our activism.

I Don’t See Any Man Colors

How Color Blindness Works - YouTube

Currently, the men’s rights movement choose to be silent on race (for the most part) and take the infamous “color blind” approach. Now, if you’re a fan of the color blind approach, you’ll be tempted to defend this perspective. This is the extreme neutral position to take. It’s a safe position that prevents you from having to take a courageous stance. By being color blind, you essentially prevent yourself from offending either side-as you haven’t expressed your thoughts yet. Although this sounds great on the surface, it’s a road to nowhere in reality.
There is no neutral stance for human rights. We already live in a society that put vestiges on black men-which civil rights coalitions have been working hard to combat. Being color blind and refusing to address the inequalities that black men face, benefits the side of white supremacists. By ignoring these inequalities, you’re upholding those barriers that black men have to jump over. When one side is advocating for a white ethnostate and the other is advocating for racial equality, it isn’t smart to just let things play out. The correct answer is to always be on the side of justice. You shouldn’t be concerned about offending race realists-nor should you be entertaining their ignorance.
Throughout history, the black community were not considered to be human beings by law. They were second class citizens on a good day. Our legal protections became a reality in the 1960s-meaning the prejudice that we went through is still in living memory for many people. Before hand, resources that were supposed to extend to “Americans” excluded black Americans. Even today, politics that are supposed to benefit all Americans routinely exclude black people.
The US education system is a perfect example of this. If I had a nickel for every time a politician said that they would invest in the education of school kids, I would enough money to start my own bank. Yet, to this very day, black schools are disturbingly underfunded. They have little resources that they can turn to. The educational advancement is incredibly weak compared to other schools. The test scores and graduation rates are low. They have no preparation for their future. This is the result of the color blind approach to education. The system that disadvantages black people prevents the equitable distribution of resources. Not acknowledging (and ultimately fixing) that system, doesn’t change that problem regardless of how many speeches you give about not seeing color.
When the men’s rights movement claims to not see color, they are inadvertently enabling the racists who do see color. One cannot be silent on injustice and claim to fight for the human rights of all men in the same breath. When black men hear that you can’t address racism because you want all men to feel included, they immediately lose interest in your cause. We’ve heard it all before. We lived through it. Helping “all men” always ends with the black man being shut out of the club. So why should they inject themselves with a struggle that doesn’t speak to them? Why would they attempt to uphold someone else’s entry to a better future just to possibly get a seat at the table? These are the things going through the minds of black men when someone tells them that they don’t want to take a stance on race.

Part 2: White Men’s Rights
Gun Violence

Horrifying surge in domestic violence' against women amid coronavirus  lockdowns, UN chief warns | Euronews

The “fear of violence” which women of all races use as a silencer to opposition have its roots in racism. Historically, black men have been portrayed as inherently violent in order to silence their voices. In order to make the portrayal even more effective, the use of white women’s tears were implemented. Unfortunately black men were not given the benefit of the doubt in this instance. America didn’t stand up for them. In fact, this weapon was used to embolden the Klan to commit terroristic acts and lynch black males.
This was used as a reason for gun control, for example. Throughout the 1860s, the aftermath of the Civil War, US states rushed to pass “black laws” prohibiting black men from owning or carrying firearms or “deadly weapons”. It also prohibited anyone from selling (or even lending) any firearms or ammunition to black people. The Black Panther Party attempted to patrol Oakland neighborhoods, while being armed. Despite the fact that they were following the law and utilizing their 2nd Amendment rights, the government seen them as a threat and took swift action to pass the Mulford Act (which repealed open carry). The National Rifle Association (an organization known for advocating for gun rights) supported the gun control law. Now in modern society, men all across America protest and argue against gun control. Well, that gun control path was made possible on the backs of black men-utilizing their image to paint gun owners as monsters.

Rape/Sexual Assault

Were You Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault? - Clark, Clark & Noonan

In the United States, black men lived in constant fear due to the lies of white women. White women would hook up with a black guy. If they got caught, they would claim that it wasn’t consensual. They were put on trial and often rushed through crooked jurors with little to no due process. Often, due to this corruption in the justice system, they were usually found guilty in spite of the lack of evidence. Black men had to be warned not to “bring a white girl home” to their parents due to this fear. There couldn’t be any risks.
In modern society, we have a #metoo movement where women make baseless accusations (even without releasing their identity). The guy being accused is presumed to be guilty, regardless of contradicting evidence. If he doesn’t respond-he’s guilty. If he gets angry (the rational reaction to someone accusing you of something)-he’s being “aggressive towards the victim”. If he does brings contradicting evidence-he’s trying to “silence the victim”. Men can’t win in that scenario. This irrational culture that we live in was started on the backs of black men. Society blindly “believed women” when a black man was being accused. Now we’re blinding believing women when any man gets accused.


The 50 great books on education

Our boys are being failed by the education system. Male students are heavily overlooked when it comes to educational resources and aid. This is another issue that men’s rights groups correctly identify. What they need to identify is the root of these educational resources. In black communities, public education is vastly underfunded. The schools are broken down and the government does very little to improve the performance of black male students. Low graduation, poor test results, and low college enrollment. There’s even a school to prison pipeline in the United States, showing that low performance in schools lead to a life of crime.
Boys compromise 67% of all special education students. Approximately 80% of these boys are black and Hispanic males. 85% of black boys, k-12, are NOT proficient in reading. There’s a large gap in testing scores between black men and white men.
This should be a national outcry. Society should be attempting to get to the root of the problem. Instead, we shrug our shoulders of the situation. We wait to find young men imprisoned, so that we can portray them as “irredeemable monsters” who should’ve stayed in school-ignoring the fact that we gave them very little aid and guidance to a quality education.


Harvard professors call to help incarcerated population – Harvard Gazette

Criminalizing black men has been an American tradition. The average person doesn’t like siding with “criminals”. By labelling certain actions a “criminal actions”, you effectively rob any sympathy from the group in question. When Frederick Douglass became a runaway slave, he was slandered as a criminal because slavery was legal. So the simple act of running away from something immoral made you a reprehensible person in the eyes of America. During the Civil Rights Era, segregation was legal via Jim Crow Laws. When Martin Luther King Jr. was marching in the Civil Rights Movement to fight against segregation, he was arrested. The media portrayed him as a criminal. He was viewed as leading a coalition of criminals. By siding with King, you were siding with his “criminal actions”.
In 2006, a giant portion of people of the incarcerated had mental health problems. 56% in state prisons, 45% in federal prisons, and 64% in local prisons. In 2004, 53% (in state prisons) and 45% (in federal prisons) were “drug dependent”. From 1995-1999, unemployed males aged 22-30 were a pipeline to prisons. 13.2% of white males were unemployed and 10.6% incarcerated. 33.5% of black males were unemployed and 32.8% were incarcerated. We could view this as a medical problem, a mental health problem, or an unemployment problem. Instead, they view these as a problem of criminality. Instead of attempting to find rational solutions, we routinely turn to punishment and criminal justice as a way to handle these epidemics.
In 2009, they weighed how many males get incarcerated per 100,000. 708 white males per 100,000. 1,822 Hispanic males per 100,000. 4,749 black males per 100,000.
In 2001, white males had a 6% chance of going to prison. Black males had a 32% chance of going to prison.
During the “Crack Epidemic”, black males were targeted for drug crimes. In 1986, US congress passed a law that created a 100 to 1 sentencing disparity between crack cocaine possession (which are heavily used by black people) compared to the penalties of powder cocaine possession. This led to a mass incarceration of black men. During this time, black men were heavily criticizing the policies and acknowledging the negative effect that this had on black communities. Americans disagreed with this assertion. They shrugged their shoulders, told black men to stop committing crimes, and washed their hands of their existence. In the 21st century, their perspective completely changed on mass incarceration. Laws restricting drugs started to incarcerate all Americans. Now that it affects everyone, instead of just black men, it suddenly became a matter of concern.
Well, for all the “libertarians” and “progressives” pushing for prison reform and an improvement in the justice system, remember the root of the cause. The root of this mass incarceration mess can be traced back to Abraham Lincoln’s 13th Amendment. No slavery or involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. In the long run, trying to find an alternative to slavery resulted in mass incarceration of American males.


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According to “VerywellHealth”, black men suffer worse health than any other racial group in America.

>Black men have the lowest life expectancy

>Black men live 7 years less than men of other races.

>They have higher death rates than black women for all leading causes of death

>They have a higher risk of developing HIV/AIDS in their lifetime

>44% of black men are considered “overweight”

>37.5% of black men are considered “obese”

>Here were the 10 leading causes of death for black men
-Heart disease (23.7%)
-Cancer (20.2%)
-Unintentional Injuries (7.9%)
-Homicide (5%)
-Stroke (4.9%)
-Diabetes (4.3%)
-Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (3.2%)
-Kidney Disease (2.6%)
-Septicemia (1.8%)
-Hypertension (1.6%)

When it comes down to men’s health, it manages to affect black men at a disproportionate rate.

Part 3: Black Men’s Rights
Another thing that factors into the racial dilemma of the MRM is the tribalism that’s very prevalent in the black community. From the 1960s to the 1980s, black activists and public figures tried their best to integrate with their fellow Americans: socially, culturally, and legally. Yet, they always received push back for their efforts. The message was clear. Society set one standard for Americans and another standard for black Americans. Due to this issue, a growing number of black Americans have recently chosen to take the route of black nationalism. This is even more noticeable in black men. Black men generally don’t make an effort to integrate with the rest of America due to their distrust of the way society views and mistreats them.

White Women’s Rights

How white women use strategic tears to silence women of colour | Ruby Hamad  | The Guardian

The feminist movement has long historical ties to racism. The feminist campaign for women’s suffrage had black women standing in the back of the line and made openly racist statements towards black men. Susan B. Anthony, a prominent feminist, infamously said that she would rather cut off her arm before she ever works for or votes for a “negro”-instead of a woman. Rebecca Felton, the most prominent feminist in Georgia, was a slave owner and white supremacist who referred to black men as “beasts” and “half-civilized gorillas”. Just to name a few examples.
Even today, the feminist movement are openly advocating against the importance of due process for rape and domestic violence (a move that was historically used to get black men lynched). They pushed for “women” to be added to affirmative action-which led to white women gaining the most benefits from affirmative action. This entire epidemic of privileged, entitled, and hateful “Karens” is a direct product of the ideology of feminism. Yet, black women found a way in their hearts to look past it and join forces with white women and promote the very ideas that end up hurting black men on a daily basis.

Race + Gender

100 Black Men Honors Distinguished Group - Los Angeles Sentinel | Los  Angeles Sentinel | Black News

For this very reason, black men feel isolated. They feel like they can only trust themselves and one another. Black men speak about men’s issues, just as much as MRAs. The difference is that black men convince themselves that these issues occur purely due to race and not gender. Prisons targeting black men-race. The educational system leaving black boys behind-race. Police officer gunning down a black male-race. Yet, no mention of gender. Of course this isn’t completely accurate. If this was purely a race issue, it would target black men and women at the same rate. The fact that it targets black men, implies that their gender plays a very important role in their subjugation. Why do black men do this, you ask? Are they unaware of this attack on men’s lives? In my opinion, and it’s just that, black men are fully aware of gender inequality.
I believe that black men are performing a version of political and cultural manipulation. Knowing that America has no tolerance for the mere mention of male injustice, men usually come up with alternative solutions to make those issues more mainstream. Men write television shows and films-constantly showing examples of gold digging, family court, the harsh realities of war, and male victims of sexual assault. Comedians do stand up about men’s issues and address them under the guise of “jokes”.
Black men are doing the same thing. They are addressing men’s issues under the guise of racism and white supremacy. They’re addressing how men and boys-especially black men and boys-deal with incarceration, educational discrimination, poverty, and health. But they’re shielding themselves from the harsh slander that men’s groups get by framing the issue as an issue purely dictated by race.
The positive result of this is that a lot of the issues reach the mainstream. As it would turn out, in a twist of irony, society would rather give credence to addressing systemic racism (despite its deep ties in the heart of America) than address misandry. There’s a Democrat Party that runs campaigns attempting to court black voters, utilizing these issues. Hollywood makes entertaining fiction and documentaries addressing this reality. Even journalists manage to give credence to the racism behind feminism and acknowledge how black men are heavily at risk of imprisonment, false rape accusations, and violence.
The flip side of this, is the direction it goes. While it correctly pushes the idea in the right direction, it ends at the wrong location. This is due to the manipulative nature of the people who take the issue up. They’ll address the harsh realities about black men suffering from the injustices at a disproportionate level, but they’ll slander the concerns as those of “white men” trying to roll back the rights of women. The media will address the racist history of America, but will seconds later attempt to talk you into feminism by rebranding it as intersectional.
-They acknowledge feminism pretended to care about rape by utilizing white women’s tears in order to frame black man and deny them due process. Their solution is to support intersectional feminism to help black women deny black men due process.
-Sure, they’ll admit that black men were targets of incarceration. But, of course, they add how “women of color” get longer prison sentences than white women-in order to make prison sentencing purely a racism issue. Ignoring the fact that women of all races get shorter prison sentences than white men.
-The media will give credence to the obvious reality of how black fathers get screwed over in a court of law. Their solution? To give feminism credit for vaguely “fighting against the patriarchy” which supposedly is the reason fathers get screwed over. Which requires you to ignore the fact that feminists have a long history of killing shared parenting bills that would help fathers get easier access to their children.

Part 3: Solution

Five easy solutions for business consultants | IED | Project Updates

If you’re reading all of this, you start to ask yourself a simple question: what do we do about all of this? We’re in a tricky predicament. White men not being consistent in their reactions to black men. Black men utilizing race as the default factor as a loophole to address men’s issues. The men’s rights movement being racially neutral in a society and environment that requires to take a stance on racial justice. How does one fix that? Well, I have a few ideas.

>The men’s rights movement needs to address racism-especially in the United States of America. Getting black men on board with the MRM is a must. We’re asking them to sacrifice portions of the time that they spend on racial justice-and utilize that time for men’s issues. How could we expect them to do this if we don’t make their interests a priority. Black men, aren’t gonna settle for a lack of black tangibles-especially in this climate where other platforms manipulate their trust with nothing in return.

>The men’s rights movement needs to denounce racism wherever we see it. People with racially ignorant beliefs need to be aware that they aren’t a part of the MRM. People who share the beliefs of “race realists” and “white supremacists” don’t have a place in our movement. People with those viewpoints do more harm than good. People like that can’t help themselves from saying racially ignorant things on the regular. Eventually, those words and actions are gonna be brought up against us-forcing us to denounce them every step of the way. So why stop the inevitable? Better to denounce them now, then later.
Might I remind you of the case of Christopher Cantwell. Cantwell was a white supremacist who eventually became a leading member of the alt right. Granted, Chris was fired from A Voice From Men after we discovered his background-and he was denounced after becoming a large participant in the infamous Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. The media, being the media, couldn’t wait to utilize this “guilty by association” to write papers telling everyone that the MRM is “evil”. They were damn near foaming at the mouth for that connection. Even if we’re right about the majority of our concerns, they’re excuse would be “well these people are white supremacists, now you have to ignore them and all forms of logic”.
Ignoring that the media is lazy and salivating for a MRM controversy (we already knew that), it’s our responsibility not to feed their pathetic hunger. The problem isn’t that we didn’t fire or denounce him (we already did that). The problem is that there was no clear line made to clarify that people like Chris don’t belong here in the first place. There needs to be a “no nonsense” approach when it comes down to people with those viewpoints. They’re not only repulsive, they’re grifters. When they find any opportunity to push their propaganda, they’ll do it in a heartbeat. As a result, it needs to be clarified that we’re not a platform for them to push their racial hatred.

>The final solution, involves black men to redirect their approach. While racism is something that black men are all too familiar with, there are other aspects that we must acknowledge-in this case male disposability and lack of empathy for the male species. I’m not implying that we, as black men, stop talking about systemic racism and give up our fights for racial equality. I’m merely suggesting that we add the realities of gender to that push for justice. Ignoring any factors makes it harder to address the problems that we oppose. We already seen the side effects of not addressing the gender relation when it comes down to education, prison, due process, and violence. It allowed the media to rebirth this issue utilizing the false concern for “women’s rights”. If we want an actual solution to work now, and in the long run, we’re gonna have to bring light to misandry.

You may be on the fence while reading this article. Race has been a thing that we simply avoided like the plague. Unfortunately, racism hasn’t gone away. Race and gender go hand in hand. Society will look at us to make our stance on race clear and concise. If you’re a member of the men’s rights movement, I strongly advise you to openly choose the side of racial equality. The results will always be better. You won’t have to spend your time explaining away any people with racially repugnant views You can instead spend your time pointing to people with views of racial human rights, reminding the world that we’re all fighting for one thing: justice.

Source (s)
Black Men Worse Health

School To Prison Pipeline

US Congress 1986 law

Gun Control
Racist History Of Gun Control
Gun Control On The Black Panther Party

13 thoughts on “The Racial Dilemma Of The Men’s Rights Movement

  1. I USED to be on the white supremacist side (as a biracial person)…I’m glad I got away from it. Looking back, I can see that many of my beliefs were racist and misandrist against black men, and I feel horrible. Now, I fight for black men as well, and I’m even writing an article currently that disproves this one list that purports to have “black male privileges” but makes no sense. Do you have any ideas beyond the stuff you brought up in your article that I should bring up or look at? I want to write another article specifically looking at black male issues.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve noticed that each time an issue that involves placing so-called “black” men on an equal footing in America is brought up a Caucasian person (or black female that works for the corrupt establishment) automatically starts trying to redirect the conversation to “sexism against women” or something about LGBTQ. This happens without fail whether the conversation is concerning women or not. Not unlike how BLACK LIVES MATTER used dead male bodies to steal donations for Patrice Cullors million dollar home and LGBTQ activism.

    The funny thing is the same Caucasians and women who hate to see brothers come up (and always bring up “sexism” to counter any would be gains by black MEN) are now whining and complaining about transgender women who are beating women in sports are “not real women.” Now I agree they aren’t real women either; but its funny how they point out foolishness when it comes to women losing their positions but will never, ever support fair treatment for black MEN.

    Personally I love when transgender women kick “normal” women’s butts in sports (and women rage); because it points out how men feel when women invade male spaces with government imposed lopsided “women must win at all costs” rules that disadvantage men. How do they think black men felt when we fought and bled for human rights just to have Caucasian women steal everything we fought for?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You make so many essential points in the post, it’s hard to know where to begin. But, perhaps the most important point is that Black men face double prejudice, for being Black and for being male. And, for this reason, I wish more Black men were active in the men’s movement. It seems to me that Black men speaking out on men’s issues have an extra credibility that White men lack. It’s harder to dismiss Black men as “privileged,” “patriarchal,” “oppressors.”

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hmm it seems like your website ate my first comment (it was super long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I submitted and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. I too am an aspiring blog blogger but I’m still new to everything. Do you have any suggestions for newbie blog writers? I’d really appreciate it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well the term “white knight” literally came from the “White Knights of the KKK.” That was the literal name of their wing of enforcing white women’s gynocracy. The sad thing is the so-called “manosphere” is now being watered down with a bunch of SIMPS that put white women on pedestals (even though they are just as gynocentric as black females) and believe that dating white women is “fighting for men’s rights.” Google (Youtube) is headed by a big-nosed white woman who regularly bans real MRAs and promotes these “I warn six figures so I am not a ‘thug’ and date white women” channels.

      This is the stupidity that masquerades as “men’s issues” on Google’s Youtube now. So its not just the racism of white knights setting brothers back. Its these planted coons that support the establishment holding brothers bac as well.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m impressed, I have to admit. Rarely do I come across a blog that’s both educative and amusing, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. The issue is something which too few men and women are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy I came across this during my search for something relating to this.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I have to thank you for the efforts you’ve put in penning this website. I really hope to check out the same high-grade content from you later on as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my very own website now 😉

    Liked by 3 people

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